Crate object_store

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This crate provides a uniform API for interacting with object storage services and local files via the the ObjectStore trait.

Create an ObjectStore implementation:


ObjectStore instances can be composed with various adapters which add additional functionality:

List objects:

Use the ObjectStore::list method to iterate over objects in remote storage or files in the local filesystem:

use std::sync::Arc;
use object_store::{path::Path, ObjectStore};
use futures::stream::StreamExt;

// create an ObjectStore
let object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore> = Arc::new(get_object_store());

// Recursively list all files below the 'data' path.
// 1. On AWS S3 this would be the 'data/' prefix
// 2. On a local filesystem, this would be the 'data' directory
let prefix: Path = "data".try_into().unwrap();

// Get an `async` stream of Metadata objects:
 let list_stream = object_store
     .expect("Error listing files");

 // Print a line about each object based on its metadata
 // using for_each from `StreamExt` trait.
     .for_each(move |meta|  {
         async {
             let meta = meta.expect("Error listing");
             println!("Name: {}, size: {}", meta.location, meta.size);

Which will print out something like the following:

Name: data/file01.parquet, size: 112832
Name: data/file02.parquet, size: 143119
Name: data/child/file03.parquet, size: 100

Fetch objects

Use the ObjectStore::get method to fetch the data bytes from remote storage or files in the local filesystem as a stream.

use std::sync::Arc;
use object_store::{path::Path, ObjectStore};
use futures::stream::StreamExt;

// create an ObjectStore
let object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore> = Arc::new(get_object_store());

// Retrieve a specific file
let path: Path = "data/file01.parquet".try_into().unwrap();

// fetch the bytes from object store
let stream = object_store

// Count the '0's using `map` from `StreamExt` trait
let num_zeros = stream
    .map(|bytes| {
        let bytes = bytes.unwrap();
       bytes.iter().filter(|b| **b == 0).count()

println!("Num zeros in {} is {}", path, num_zeros);

Which will print out something like the following:

Num zeros in data/file01.parquet is 657

Put object

Use the ObjectStore::put method to save data in remote storage or local filesystem.

 use object_store::ObjectStore;
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use bytes::Bytes;
 use object_store::path::Path;

 let object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore> = Arc::new(get_object_store());
 let path: Path = "data/file1".try_into().unwrap();
 let bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"hello");
     .put(&path, bytes)

Multipart put object

Use the ObjectStore::put_multipart method to save large amount of data in chunks.

 use object_store::ObjectStore;
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use bytes::Bytes;
 use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
 use object_store::path::Path;

 let object_store: Arc<dyn ObjectStore> = Arc::new(get_object_store());
 let path: Path = "data/large_file".try_into().unwrap();
 let (_id, mut writer) =  object_store
 let bytes = Bytes::from_static(b"hello");


  • An object store implementation for S3
  • An object store implementation for Azure blob storage
  • A ChunkedStore that can be used to test streaming behaviour
  • Utility for streaming newline delimited files from object storage
  • An object store implementation for Google Cloud Storage
  • An object store implementation for generic HTTP servers
  • An object store that limits the maximum concurrency of the wrapped implementation
  • An object store implementation for a local filesystem
  • An in-memory object store implementation
  • Path abstraction for Object Storage
  • An object store wrapper handling a constant path prefix
  • A throttling object store wrapper


  • Exponential backoff with jitter
  • HTTP client configuration for remote object stores
  • Options for a get request, such as range
  • Result of a list call that includes objects, prefixes (directories) and a token for the next set of results. Individual result sets may be limited to 1,000 objects based on the underlying object storage’s limitations.
  • The metadata that describes an object.
  • Contains the configuration for how to respond to server errors


  • A specialized Error for object store-related errors
  • Result for a get request



Type Definitions

  • An alias for a dynamically dispatched object store implementation.
  • Id type for multi-part uploads.
  • A specialized Result for object store-related errors